Our skillful and knowledgable butchers work hard all day, everyday to serve you only the best of what we have to offer. Feel free to approach them regarding any meat related queries, or even for a quick chat!

You deserve the best, get this BEST cuts of meat from any of our outlets or online at




Why you should buy from Butchers

1.Advice and Assistance

Our butchers are able to fully explain the characteristic and origin of each meat. Furthermore it will be prepared in front of you, to your instructions. Unlike supermarkets, where meat are sold in little Styrofoam boxes. Thus, customers will have full knowledge of what they are buying.

2.Quality, Standard and Skill

Our butchers have a very high expectation on the quality and standard of the meat that are placed on the shelf. Our butchers are highly skilled, and are able to prepare meat for sale in the best possible way. We want you to have the best of quality and we frown upon sloppy care of meat as well as quality.

3.Save Up on Your Dollars

The meat you purchase is based on what you want and not on how it is sold (pre-butchered meat). When you purchase your meat from a butcher, it is cut to order. Thus you would not be purchasing any excess meat which will go to waste.


Master Butcher

Another shot of our wonderful Master Butcher Paul, at our Tanglin outlet's reopening event, serving us a fat cut of the legendary Matsusaka beef! Be sure to look out for him if you drop by our Tanglin store, he's really cool and he has tons of expertise to share#SwissButchery#ACutAbove#SGFood#TanglinOutlet#Reopening#Meat#Matsusaka#Beef#Butcher